Do you know that it is a legal requirement for employers to ensure that their workers have access to a first aid kit in every workplace environment?
Slip, slop, slap! You've heard it before but we'll say it again...
We all know it’s important to stay hydrated but do we actually realise just how much dehydration can effect our performance and put us in danger?
Fire Extinguishers are a very important first defense against fire. However, they come in many different types and sizes, and understanding which one is best for your specific needs is key to your fire safety plan.
If you spend time in the outdoors it's important that you know the basics of snake safety.
Show your fellow Aussies your support by taking the time to learn which products are made in Australia and trying a few of them out. You know they'll be ripper, because they're Aussie made mate!
Things workplaces can do to keep work health and safety a priority.
Correctly lacing work boots to the top of the boot provides more support to help reduce strain injury and avoid common issues such as blisters.
Every year 2.78 million workers die from occupational accidents and work-related diseases (of which 2.4 million are disease-related) and an additional 374 million workers suffer from...
That's how many lives were lost in Australian workplaces in 2018.
Take care, more than ever before - the busy weeks prior to the holiday season can lead to greater workplace danger!
Did you know, stonemasons may be exposed to crystalline silica dust particularly when using power tools to cut, grind, or polish stone products!
The theme for this October’s National Safe Work Month is “A moment is all it takes.” While a safety incident can happen in a moment and in any workplace, a moment’s forethought can prevent harm.
Safety Boots are a vital piece of PPE, offering the last line of defense against the crushing weight of heavy objects or the hazards of dangerous chemicals. Are your workers' Boots still protecting them?
August is Tradies Health Month and, this year, Safe Work Australia is reminding employers to protect their business’ greatest assets – their workers! The most common serious claims for workers’ compensation are attributed to...
Young workers have an increased risk of workplace injury due to their lack of experience, maturity and awareness of workplace health and safety responsibilities. Find out how YOU can build safe and healthy workplaces for young workers and future generations!
As fabrics – particularly those with cut resistance – have become more technically advanced in protecting against cuts and lacerations, limitations to the traditional methods for measuring cut resistance (Coupe Test) have been identified.
According to a report from the Australian Bureau of Statistics based on the unpublished data from Safe Work Australia, noise-induced hearing loss accounts for 469 claims per million employees in the year 2007-08. It is also ranked as the third highest occupational disease indicator during the same period.
Builders across Victoria should ensure construction sites are safe and secure before heading off on the Christmas break.
Asbestos was once used in Australia in more than 3,000 different products including fibro, flue pipes, drains, roofs, gutters, brakes, clutches and gaskets! It becomes a health risk when its fibres are released into the air and breathed in, which can cause asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma.
October is National Work Safe Month - a time to commit to building safe and healthy workplaces for all Australians!
Nearly eight people in Australia take their own lives every day and six are men...
Thursday 14th September is RUOK? Day, a day when we are encouraged to reach out and connect with people by asking a simple question.
While we’ve seen improvements, Australia’s trade industry continues to have among the highest health and safety issues of any sector.
Young workers – classified as 15-24 year-olds – face the greatest risk of workplace injury due to their inexperience, combined with developmental and generational factors.
Friday 28 April is World Day for Safety and Health at Work and Workers’ Memorial Day. Take the lead in work health and safety.
A man who lost half his leg in a workplace accident described how these type of injuries often lead to hatred, heartache, family issues and a life without purpose.
Did you know 1 in 5 Australians suffer from mental illness every year?